Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January 7 - 30 Day Picture Challenge

Day 7 - A picture of your most treasured item
Chicky! I placed Chicky on my fat belly as if it were my baby. Chicky has been with me since I was a little girl. It's taken my number one treasured item since I lost my pillow case from wee back in the day in a random hotel in China. My pillow case was made for me specifically by my paternal grandma and I brought it everywhere with me. When I was younger, I brought it to AZ and I remember I used to chew on one corner til it got all fuzzy and torn. Then I got older and then I used to hold it for comfort and place the corner bits under my thumbnails.. yeah I am so weird =]
But I guess back to Chicky! She was my best friend and I believe my parents bought it at some department store when I was still in a stroller. I used to sleep with her until I started rolling around the bed too much and I didn't like the feeling of it under my body. I remember I used to feed her fake food by just sticking my finger in her mouth LOL She was the best. I decided Chicky was my most treasured item cus my little cousin Jennifer wanted to play with my stuffed animals and she actually picked my brother's doll duck who we called Ducky and I was like but Chicky is way better and cuter and fuzzier and I'd save it for my babies and if they don't want her, I'll keep showing her love myself <3

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